
WATCH  | Emissions reporting, GHG protocol, Renewable Gases

For this latest instalment of Let's Meet! 'Emissions reporting, market-based instruments and the GHG protocol: Focus on Renewable Gases' we discussed how to address market-based instruments and emissions reporting when using biomethane and other renewable gases. This online event ran on 9 November 2023 via Zoom.

In this truly global edition, we heard from Pankaj Bhatia of the World Resources Institute, in whose keynote speech gave a overview of important technical concepts that are covered in the GHG protocol, as well as questions to be addressed. The biogas industry has proved itself to be a great model for this.

We also heard a discussion with Ryota Kuzuki of the Japan Gas Association, Karlijn Arts of OCI Global, Nic Crowe of Grissan Energy, and Cédric Jourdain of CMA CGM, who described their organisations and the work they do with a range of renewable and low-carbon technologies.

Of course, the GHG protocol plays a role in their work thanks to the accounting standards and tools that it involves for accepting and harmonising greenhouse gas reduction methodologies internationally.