Press Release

Eurogas calls on EU policymakers to build on the EU’s industrial advantage to secure jobs

Brussels, 9 March 2020. In line with the Green Deal priorities, the Industrial Strategy must strive to preserve Europe’s industrial strength. The EU leads in gas decarbonisation technologies, which are already widely available. These technologies can make the EU the world leader in climate mitigation industries. Unlocking these new growth areas would secure jobs for European citizens and innovate businesses – a vital prerequisite for a successful transition to carbon neutrality.

Eurogas Secretary General, James Watson, commented: ‘Decarbonising the gas industry offers new employment opportunities that maintain EU’s competitive advantage and must not be squandered.’

He added: ‘If the EU gets the Industrial Strategy and the Green Deal framework right, we will not be talking about lost jobs for gas and phase outs of industry sectors. We will be talking about phase-ins and new clean technology industrial leadership.’

The renewable gas sector alone can provide up to 2.4 million jobs within the EU by 2050*. This number can be even higher if Europe scales up hydrogen production. These employment opportunities, together with jobs in gas reforming and carbon capture, would be diverse, nonseasonal and high-skilled.

Europe leads on the production of anaerobic digestors that produce biomethane, which is also a solution for waste treatment. EU-manufactured electrolysers produce hydrogen for future use in transport, industry and power sectors. Homegrown industries manufacture CCS components and pyrolysis equipment, as well as LNG engines and turbines.

Maintaining European technology leadership in renewable and decarbonised gases will ensure the EU has its own industrial means to achieve carbon-neutral energy transition.

*Gas for Climate – Job creation by scaling up renewable gas in Europe, Navigant, 2019

Press contact | Marina Demidova | | +32 2 894 48 05 | | Rue d’Arlon 80, 1040 Brussels
Eurogas is a European gas industry association representing 48 companies and associations engaged in gas wholesale, retail and distribution in Europe.