Eurogas Annual Conference ‘Achieving the EU 2040 Climate Target: The Role of Gaseous Energy’

The Eurogas Annual Conference ‘Achieving the EU 2040 climate target: The role of gaseous energy‘ took place on 18 April 2024 , 14:00 – 17:45 at the Renaissance Brussels Hotel (rue du Parnasse 19, 1050 Brussels).


Welcome speech

Annie Krist, Vice-President of Eurogas


Keynote speeches

Matthew Baldwin, Deputy Director General, DG ENER, European Commission

Adina Vălean, Commissioner for Transport, European Commission


Spotlight - European Carbon Removal Strategies: Negative Emissions with Renewable Gases Today

Zoltan Elek, CEO, Landwärme


Panel 1 - The gas industry to 2040 and beyond 

Tatiana Marquez Uriarte, Member of the Cabinet of Kadri Simson, European Commission

Egbert Laege, CEO, SEFE

Zoltan Elek, CEO, Landwärme

Walburga Hemetsberger, CEO, SolarPower Europe


Story - Decarbonizing cities: the point of view of an integrated operator

Francesco Buresti, Director of Smart Infrastructures Business Unit, A2A


Panel 2 – Transition in buildings: What is possible?

Stefan Moser, Head of Unit for Buildings and Products, DG ENER, European Commission

Francesco Buresti, Director of Smart Infrastructures Business Unit, A2A

Hélène Sibileau, Senior Policy Advisor, BPIE

Federica Sabbati, Secretary General, European Heating Industry - EHI


Panel 3 – Gas in transport: A road to everywhere?

Eddy Liégeois, Acting Director, Investment, Innovative & Sustainable Transport, DG MOVE

Nelly Nicoli, CEO, Elengy

Willemijn Westerlaken, European Affairs Manager, Port of Rotterdam

Nadège Leclercq, Senior Director, Government Relations and Market Development, Westport Fuel Systems


Closing keynote

Kurt Vandenberghe, Director General, DG CLIMA, European Commission




The conference was moderated by Sasha Twining, Journalist, radio & TV presenter




Eurogas Events
14:00 - 17:45GMT+2