US LNG and Europe: A Long-Term Partnership? | Workshop for Eurogas members only


In the framework of the workshop ‘US LNG and Europe: A Long-Term partnership?’ on 25 September 2024 (16:30-18:00) in the Eurogas office (rue d’Arlon 80, 1040 Brussels), Gelber & Associates will present to Eurogas members their report “U.S. LNG Exports to Europe: Trends, Impacts, and Future Outlook”.

A reception will follow on the premises.

About the report:

  • Comprehensive analysis of U.S. LNG exports to Europe (including a US Industry overview)
  • Covers historical context, current trends, and future projections
  • Discusses economic and political factors, including implications of the 2024 U.S. Presidential election
  • Highlights the impact of U.S. LNG on European energy security and market dynamics


16:30 | Welcome and introduction
Andreas Guth, Policy Director, Eurogas

16:35 | Opening speech
Mónika Zsigri, Head of Unit, Energy Security and Safety, DG ENER, European Commission

16:50 | Presentation of the Gelber and Associates Report ‘U.S. LNG Exports to Europe: Trends, Impacts, and Future Outlook’
Arthur Gelber, President, Gelber & Associates

17:20 | Views on the future of LNG in Europe
Anne-Sophie Corbeau, Global Research Scholar, Center on Global Energy Policy at Columbia University’s School of International and Public Affairs

17:30 | Q&A with the audience
Moderated by Andreas Guth

17:55 | Wrap up by Andreas Guth
18:00 | End

About Gelber & Associates: 

Gelber & Associates (G&A) was founded by Art Gelber in 1989 in Houston, Texas with a mission of partnering with energy market participants to better navigate volatility, control costs, and maximize profits. G&A customer base includes some of the largest North American regulated utilities, Fortune 500 companies, mid-cap industrial firms, natural gas producers, and energy services companies. More info here.


For more information or registration, email us at

Eurogas Events
16:30 - 18:00GMT+2
Eurogas office (Rue d'Arlon 80/6, 1040 Brussels)
