Press Release

A New Dawn for Gas in Europe

Brussels, 7 July 2020. As the European Commission prepares to publish the Energy System Integration strategy and launch the European Hydrogen Alliance, Eurogas sees the foundations of a framework for a new era of gas being laid. This foundation has the potential to secure Europe’s leading position in developing and manufacturing, not only deploying, clean technologies and creating secure non-seasonal jobs for Europeans. 

Eurogas Secretary General, James Watson, said: “There are many different pathways to achieve an energy system integration for a climate-neutral Europe. One thing is for sure, these Commission documents confirm that we will need gaseous molecules to deliver climate neutrality in the most affordable and cost-effective way for EU citizens. This is going to be a step change for the gas sector and one which we are embracing and leading, we have already called for targets for renewable and decarbonised gas to be set for 2030.”

“Ramping up hydrogen is a future-proof solution to achieve climate neutrality and provide Europeans with millions of jobs in clean technologies made in Europe. The European Hydrogen Alliance will make sure that all clean hydrogen technologies – carbon capture and storage, pyrolysis, electrolysers – are used to kick-start the hydrogen economy now. Investing in CCS is a no regrets option that can deliver the foundations of the future hydrogen market without delay. We also need mass deployment of renewable electricity, coupled with the increased speed of coal retirement in the electricity sector, to deliver renewable hydrogen and quick carbon reductions.”

Energy system integration will promote a multi-energy carrier approach to deliver carbon neutrality by 2050. A recent Eurogas study by DNV GL demonstrates that the EU can save €4.1 trillion by 2050 by using a mix of energy carriers to achieve carbon neutrality. In the buildings sector, the EU can save €10 trillion in subsidies to retrofit Europe’s building stock if it uses already available and affordable gaseous solutions instead of trying to massively subsidise electrification of heat. Utilising hydrogen and biomethane are no regrets options, which can use existing infrastructure and decarbonise heating in an affordable and non-intrusive way for citizens.

Press contact | Marina Demidova |