Position Papers

JEAG Letter on REMIT II Trialogues
Position Paper

JEAG Letter on REMIT II Trialogues

The Joint Energy Associations Group (JEAG) welcomes that the EU Commission (“EC”) has tabled its legislative proposal for a review of REMIT (Regulation on Wholesale Energy Market Integrity and T...
Eurogas’ Position on the Extension of AggregateEU, the Demand Aggregation Platform
Position Paper

Eurogas’ Position on the Extension of AggregateEU, the Demand Aggregation Platform

While Eurogas understands the request of the Commission for AggregateEU to continue being available for use due to the ongoing war in Ukraine and the impact this has on gas supply, we do not, in pri...
Eurogas position on the European Hydrogen Bank
Position Paper

Eurogas position on the European Hydrogen Bank

Eurogas believes that both domestic production and imports of hydrogen will be key to deploy this nascent industry...
Joint Industry Letter on the Urgent Need for an RFNBO Certification Framework
Position Paper

Joint Industry Letter on the Urgent Need for an RFNBO Certification Framework

The signatories of this letter welcome the regulatory clarity provided by this week’s entry-into-force of the RED II Delegated Acts on Article 27.3 and Article 28.5 that define the production criter...
Eurogas reaction to the open public consultation on the 2040 Climate Targets
Position Paper

Eurogas reaction to the open public consultation on the 2040 Climate Targets

This document provides further qualifications to certain answers given by Eurogas to the publi consultation questionnaire on the 2040 Climate Targets.  ...
Eurogas reaction on ongoing revision of the Electricity Market Design
Position Paper

Eurogas reaction on ongoing revision of the Electricity Market Design

Over the last year, high and volatile energy prices for both gas and electricity have constituted a significant burden for European economies. We support the Commission’s decision to move forward w...
An EU binding biomethane target in the Gas Regulation is critical to support strategic energy autonomy and climate objectives
Position Paper

An EU binding biomethane target in the Gas Regulation is critical to support strategic energy autonomy and climate objectives

Ahead of the start of the trilogue on the Gas Decarbonisation Package, we call on Member States to support an ambitious and binding EU-level biomethane target of 35 bcm in 2030 in the Gas Regulation,...
CO2 standards for heavy-duty vehicles and analysis of the Commission Impact Assessment
Position Paper

CO2 standards for heavy-duty vehicles and analysis of the Commission Impact Assessment

We firmly believe that the upcoming Regulation on CO2 standards for Heavy-Duty Vehicles (HDVs) will play a key role in addressing the climate performance of the new vehicle fleet and ...
Eurogas recommendations on the Net Zero Industry Act proposal
Position Paper

Eurogas recommendations on the Net Zero Industry Act proposal

Eurogas calls for an open, inclusive and pragmatic approach that will enable the scaling-up of all decarbonisation options needed to achieve carbon neutrality by 2050, including renewable, low carbon gases, and CCUS technologies.
GHG Protocol – Eurogas key statements
Position Paper

GHG Protocol – Eurogas key statements

The GHG Protocol (GHGP) is an internationally recognized framework defining corporate GHG accounting and reporting standards. It has traditionally served as the reference point for the voluntary deca...
Recognising carbon capture and utilisation as strategic net zero technologies
Position Paper

Recognising carbon capture and utilisation as strategic net zero technologies

The Net Zero Industry Act (NZIA) distinguishes between net-zero technologies and the strategic net zero technologies...
Eurogas recommendations on the Union Certification Framework for carbon removals
Position Paper

Eurogas recommendations on the Union Certification Framework for carbon removals

Eurogas welcomes the European Commission’s ambition to deploy a harmonised EU certification system to ensure the role of carbon removals solutions, both nature-based and technology-based, necessary to contribute to achieving the EU climate targets.
Joint letter to the Prime Minister of Japan, Fumio Kishida
Position Paper

Joint letter to the Prime Minister of Japan, Fumio Kishida

JOINT LETTER | On the sidelines of the CERAWeek conference in Houston, Texas, senior executives of our organizations met with representatives of G7 nations to discuss the unique and vital role of natural gas in meeting shared energy security and climate objectives...
Zero-emission buildings: why renewable energy delivered through the grids is key
Position Paper

Zero-emission buildings: why renewable energy delivered through the grids is key

Emissions from buildings are much harder to abate than many think. The type of energy efficiency measures that are possible depend on many factors, such as climatic zones, local energy...
Joint Industry Statement An Electricity Market Design Fit For Net Zero
Position Paper

Joint Industry Statement An Electricity Market Design Fit For Net Zero

The Electricity Market Design reform is an opportunity to future-proof the regulatory framework to enable the decarbonisation of the European economy. Indeed, the European answer should be meticulousl...
Open joint letter to the European Commission concerning the Union Database
Position Paper

Open joint letter to the European Commission concerning the Union Database

In this open joint letter to the European Commission, Eurogas presents the association's concerns on the Union Database (UDB) for tracing gaseous and liquid transport fuels, under the recast Renewable Energy Directive.
Eurogas position on CO2 standards for heavy-duty vehicles
Position Paper

Eurogas position on CO2 standards for heavy-duty vehicles

Eurogas welcomes the European Commission’s ambition on CO2 emissions reductions from new heavy-duty vehicles (HDVs), in line with the ...
GHGP Land Sector and Removals Guidance – Impact on Biogas Sector
Position Paper

GHGP Land Sector and Removals Guidance – Impact on Biogas Sector

Annex B: Biomethane within the newly drafted ‘Land Sector and Removals Guidance’ is already having an enormous impact on the global biogas sector — inhibiting the immediate decarbonisation of th...
Joint Common Principles for Enhanced Consumer Protection this Winter
Position Paper

Joint Common Principles for Enhanced Consumer Protection this Winter

The Russian invasion of Ukraine dramatically changed the economic and social situation in Europe, with costs-of-living rising sharply in the Union also due to increasing energy prices. Unprecedented measures have been taken at EU and at national level to support consumers, with energy-specific measures and measures based on the existing consumer protection and social policy framework at Union and national levels.
Joint Statement on the REDII Delegated Act Art. 28 (5): the Importance of Industrial CCU for Reaching Climate Neutrality
Position Paper

Joint Statement on the REDII Delegated Act Art. 28 (5): the Importance of Industrial CCU for Reaching Climate Neutrality

The signatories represent a wide range of industrial sectors for which Carbon Capture and Utilisation (CCU) is a core technology to help reach their sustainability and climate neutrality targets. The undersigned fully support the Commission's ambitious climate targets. But reaching those targets including RFNBOs sub-quotas from the REPowerEU Plan, European Hydrogen Strategy, revision of the Renewable Energy Directive, ReFuelEU Aviation or discussed in FuelEU Maritime will require legal certainty for investments and support for the scale-up of renewable hydrogen, its derivatives such as synthetic fuels, and underlying technologies such as CCU.
Joint Open Letter on the revision of the GHG Protocol’s Reporting Principles
Position Paper

Joint Open Letter on the revision of the GHG Protocol’s Reporting Principles

The co-signatory organisations wish to raise serious concerns to the European Commission about the new draft “Land Sector and Removals Guidance” under development within the GHG Protocol (GHGP) Standard. The new draft Guidance prevents corporate users from using market-based instruments to report reduced GHG emissions from biomethane consumption and as a result can hurt the European Union’s efforts to develop 35 bcm of domestic biomethane production by 2030.
Joint paper | Energy Performance of Buildings Directive: a bottom-up approach for integrated system efficiency
Position Paper

Joint paper | Energy Performance of Buildings Directive: a bottom-up approach for integrated system efficiency

As work continues in Brussels on the Energy Performance of Buildings Directive, Eurogas has joined 14 other associations in the energy sector, buildings sector, and SME groups, to issue our latest joint paper.
How to achieve an impactful regulation on methane emissions: joint statement by European gas Distribution System Operators
Position Paper

How to achieve an impactful regulation on methane emissions: joint statement by European gas Distribution System Operators

The undersigned organisations jointly represent European Gas Distribution System Operators (DSOs). We are fully committed to reducing methane emissions and we support an ambitious and binding Regulation. Compared to the prescriptive proposal from the European Commission, we would have favoured a Regulation that mandates outcomes, but leaves flexibility to operators on how to achieve them. Yet, we understand the rationale for the approach taken by the Commission. This must, however, take into account the diverse characteristics of the different parts of the gas value chain: production, transmission, storage, and distribution.
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