Press Release

New Eurogas Secretary General James Watson calls for binding target for renewable and decarbonised gas

Brussels, 8 January 2019.
The new Secretary General of Eurogas, James Watson, today called for an introduction of a binding target for renewable and decarbonised gases in the forthcoming Gas Package.

James Watson stated: “The target should be based on the existing EU renewable energy target and would help the EU to achieve a higher share of renewable energy at lower cost.

Eurogas also supports CCS as one of the key enabling technologies to achieve a low-carbon economy. Scaling up of CCS will further unlock the long-term decarbonisation potential of natural gas.

Gas already offers quick wins for the energy transition to a clean energy future. The recent Eurogas study with PRIMES showed that switching from coal to gas in power generation would enable the EU to surpass its greenhouse gas emissions reduction target of 40% by an additional 5% by 2030.

Gas is indispensable in meeting deep decarbonisation targets and can drive the energy transition by combining the advantages of electricity and gas through sector integration. This is the best way to create a sustainable, low-carbon energy system.”

Eurogas is a European gas industry association representing 44 companies and associations engaged in gas wholesale, retail and distribution in Europe.
Press contact: Marina Demidova,, tel. +32 2 894 48 05
Eurogas • Av. de Cortenbergh 172 • 1000 Brussels •